Tourism Consulting

Songa Africa offers a wealth of specialist experience in tourism, with clients ranging from international bodies and national and local government to tourism enterprises, heritage and environmental agencies and local communities. Our mission is to combine innovative ideas and realistic solutions, with the principles of sustainable tourism at their heart.

Strategies and Destination Management

We prepare tourism strategies for countries, regions, and local destinations – for large cities, towns, national parks, organizations and many other types of areas. Each of our strategies is crafted to meet the specific needs of the destination or organisation. They are based on careful local consultation and a thorough investigation of market opportunities, resource strengths and constraints, and funding possibilities. They will include practical action plans and recommendations on the best structures for securing commitment from the public and private sectors.


Research and Intelligence

Our research and intelligence services will help our clients understand the scale, pattern, impact and potential of tourism, now and in the future. This can involve simply pulling together and making sense of existing data, our services will also include undertaking original research, such as visitor surveys, enterprise surveys, and consumer discussion groups. We can also undertake tailor made research such as profiling of leisure and business market segments. We help clients keep abreast of performance and provide advice on indicators, monitoring and bench-marking.

Policy Advice and Guidance

Our carefully selected consultants are in position to address key tourism issues, options for policy and provide guidance for government and the tourism industry. The policy choice  is based on a combination of our own experience, consultation and investigative research, and often leads to the preparation of advisory publications and manuals, including case studies of good practice .Through our network  we draw on experience from around the world that will help organizations, countries  deliver on a wide ranging issues concerning the successful planning ,organization and delivery of tourism .We also specialize in policy guidance on tourism as a poverty reduction strategy.

Marketing, Information and Interpretation

We work with tourism destinations, regional blocks, organisations and enterprises on the preparation and implementation of tourism marketing strategies and plans. We place great emphasis on clearly identifying objectives, such as reducing seasonality or increasing spend per head, leading to the selection of target markets, brand positioning and tactical communication activity. We also prepare visitor information and interpretation strategies, adopting creative solutions and taking full account of the many opportunities provided by new technology, but always driven by a desire for clear and simple messages be conveyed cost effectively.


Conservation Consulting

Support and contribute to the stewardship of the environment and the sustainable management of nature, through the provision of advisory and other services, based on the best available knowledge and expertise. We aspire to promoting a new development paradigm; one that combines the ethic of responsible environmental stewardship, passion for nature, compassion for people and sound science as the pillars of sustainable living.